Aboard the Chinese Fishing Net at Fort Cochin

“YES – pulling – like that pulling – come! come!” cries the fisherman. It is an invitation to the tourists to hop aboard the Chinese Fishing Net that he toils on. And experience the process. Seldom is he turned down.

And once on the platform:

“This is Chinese technology fishing net – the framework weighs eight hundred kilos – pulling then net comes up – release it then goes back down in the water – it is hard work: and at this time of the year, very little fish…”

Almost all of the fishermen that toil on the dozen odd Chinese Fishing Nets (that are) installed along the shores of Fort Cochin are Catholic and speak English. The state of Kerala boasts of cent percent literacy wherein every adult and juvenile can read and write in the state language, Malayalam if not in English.

“It costs about five lakh rupees to build. And thirty percent of our profits go to the owner. And the other seventy percent must feed five to six other families. And we don’t catch a lot of fish at this time of the year. So please give us a donation!”

The principle is simple — like that of a seesaw: but it is hard work under the beaming hot sun.

All of ‘em fishermen came across as humble and decent individuals. And yes, the catch wasn’t substantial. So I gave them a decent ‘donation’.

  _  BE HAPPY!

118 thoughts on “Aboard the Chinese Fishing Net at Fort Cochin

  1. The beauty of the photo is leaves the brain imagining that the work can’t be that hard… It looks airy and whimsical not blood sweat and tears. Guess there must be a bit of both in those nets! Lovely shot

    • I shot this in the last week of March. It was very hot and humid. Hard work for little or no fish. And that’s because during the summer months, most of the fish hang out deeper into the ocean where the water is cooler.
      Thanks, Ange.

  2. An intricate set-up, back-breaking work & for very little remuneration – gives one perspective as to what it takes to make a “living”…
    (thanks for your comment – I think you were the only one who picked up on the fact that quotation was my own…)

  3. When I was in Microbiology I was Chinese for a year…I was so fascinated by my professor that I wanted to dig deep into the culture…which I find so amazing and strong…I still hold on to some of his teachings today!!!

  4. Pingback: Kochi Gallan » Blog Archive » A Black and White fishing net pic

  5. I think Black and White images are more participatory than color. With color, everything is right there for you, which is not to say that color images aren’t good. Black and white requires you to get involved and imagine the colors that compose the image.

  6. Beautiful pictures in your blog, a long journey far away…
    I particularly like this one because it look like a picture I took in France “fishouse”. Strange to see how people are alike despite the differences and distances.

    Thanks for your comment about trees mach3 ^_- Goodbye * * *

    • Thanks, Bharat.
      I spent the last few days in Jaipur, Baran and Udaipur in Rajasthan.
      I hope to spend some time in Jaisalmer later this year.

  7. the figure gives a surprising sense of scale. clearly this is a serious activity but the composition and transparency lend a light-hearted or playful air.

  8. this is a stunning spot…especially at sunset…i spent 2 days there when i was travelling many moons ago…the palace wasn’t known or renovated and we had the whole place to ourselves. We had the main room which was absolutely enormous and it adjoined to the top front verandah…it was really exquisite. we felt like kings and queens. it’s funny it had one big double poster bed in the middle of the room and being 2 girls and 2 guys, we spent all night playing cards to see who would get to sleep in the bed…of course there wasn’t many hours left by the time we finished. we had taken a little row boat which a guy pushed across to the island in the middle of the night…as our train had arrived late and one of the locals had directed us there as we couldn’t find a place to stay.

    I only wish i had photos of my trip. oh well it’s forever etched in my memory. My son is learning photography and developing with film at school…i’ll have to show him your blog…it’s wonderful to see your photos….thanks for stopping by!

  9. Just a couple of days ago I was Googling for fishing nets in The Netherlands and saw these Chinese nets. Most interesting. They are an educational experience, I’m sure!

  10. Great photo! I love the composition of the lines (very spidery) the water and the figure in the background. Well done!

  11. You have a very interesting blog, 25bar…Thanks for the visit, help me trace your link back here..By the way, next week, I will hopefully be standing some near these Chinese fishing nets, soaking in the monsoons..:) so looking forward to it…

      • I call my blog the quarterbar. A quarterbar is a place where folk gather to discuss life.
        At my local quarterbar, the man at the counter is always clean shaven. Hence, we’d call him mach3.
        Thanks, Hayaah.

    • Thanks, magiceye.
      I had done that once: all of seven years ago. On this trip, the fishermen offered me their lunch: the fish curry +rice that they cook whilst working!

  12. Hi indiblogger !! you promoted my poem “lonely”. thanks. I was looking for some good blogs… i got one!
    very very nice photography, very unusal angles, amazing work. Do u allow ppl to use ur pics in their blogs, of course with ur name mentioned there?? do let me know, as i wud like to add a few of ur pics. gr8 work bye!

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